First Big Bug Fix - 12/27/2022


Got a whole lot of changes here since the public release.  Theres still a few more issues I'm working on, but I think it was about time for and update so that I can share the one's that are already taken care of.  Remember, you will need to do a reinstall of the game to try the new changes!


-Updated upgrade description for dynamite to reflect that it knocks down ladders now.

-Increased time that you can attempt to pet the Hyena to 5 seconds.

-If game is not windowed, it will attempt to pause, lock out most functions, and mute itself until game is windowed again.  Game functions will then return to normal.

-Game will now detect presence of a gamepad/controller at startup.  If present, text prompts that ask for specific buttons be pressed will default to gamepad and not keyboard.  This can be changed manually via the options menu.

-Adjusted frame rates of player kicks so all are exactly the same duration, except for Punchy, who has his own unique kick, of course.

-Smashy’s powerup now does twice the damage it did before, and will temporarily double the normal movement speed for the duration for the powerup.

-Reduced the speed at which basic gnolls swing vertically and horizontally.

-Basic gnolls are not longer guaranteed to swing up at a player if they are above them.  There is now a chance they will wander below for a few seconds instead.

-Punchy’s Dash distance has been increased.  The change also makes it much easier to dash from one wall point to another.

-Add a confirmation prompt (“Are you sure you want to quit/restart?”) to the “Back to Menu” and “Restart” options in the pause menu.

-Fire Hitboxes have significantly been reduced in size, making them possible to navigate around if you are careful about it.

-Kick hitboxes are now slightly larger, scaled downward, to make “kicking downward” more viable.

-Ranger’s rate of fire has been slowed by half a second.

-Supertank’s landing shockwaves now start out much shorter, and progressively grow taller in later iterations of the boss.



-Added additional tooltips to the text that displays at the start of each round.  Gameplay hints will now occasionally appear for player.

-Made it so certain rain and lighting effects persist through the final boss and some time after to add a little extra drama.

-Some enemies will now “pop forward” visibly when they are attacking, to highlight the threat to the player.

-Punchy’s character select animation and in-game animations all now include a headband!

-Slight visual alterations to archmage as far as behavior with poison and endless mode.




-Fixed a crash that would occur immediately after defeating the 4th boss in the game! (Sorry about that one, folks.)

-Removed bug where Smashy could kick down ladders while under effects of a powerup.

-Updated the “Erase Data” function to work with the newly updated achievements.

-Fixed a bug where tutorial dummy wasn’t playing correct animation while getting hit.

-Fixed a bug where upgraded kicks weren’t doing enough damage.

-Fixed a bug where the “Reach the 25th Level as a Specific Kobold” achievements were not awarding when you defeat the final boss.

-Fixed a bug where Smashy’s shield wasn’t blocking some attacks. (Namely fire, and Archmage attacks.)

-Fixed bugs where Smashy’s shield was not reflecting certain attacks.  Now reflects everything.

-Fix bug where smashy’s reflect would get off an “extra blast” sometimes.

-Fixed a bug in the keybinding options menu where one could exit it without pressing key, and cause a minor text display glitch.

-Fixed a bug where archmage would crash the game if there was too much fire on screen.

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